Hola mis amores! Buenos dias! ¿ Cómo están? Yo estoy muy bien . Feliz ,trabajando en mi casa y muy contenta con mi familia. ¿Y tú? ¿ Cómo estás?
Please answer with a comment here in the blog to answer my question. In Spanish please,👍
This week we will be practicing the first three categories to conjugate irregular verbs in the preterit form(Past Tense).
If you were with me in class last Thursday then you are familiar to these three categories. If you were not in class you may find my power point in TEAMS in the class materials and I have placed a video here and in TEAMS for you to review and make a better understanding of CATEGORY #1(Pirate Verbs).
Today you must :
1- Watch this video to review
Category #1 Irregular verbs in the preterit
2- Go to TEAMS and find your assignments in the "ASSIGNMENT" tab. You may edit in the same word document. Once you are done all you need to do is close the document and it will bring you back to the assignment. You need to click the tab to submit the assignment.
Let's start this week with enthusiasm my dears! It's MAY already! Beautiful MAY!
Soy buena
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