Thursday, April 23, 2020

Jueves | Imagenes de feliz jueves, Saludos de buenos dias

¡Buenos dias Chicos!

Today we will have class in TEAMS and we will learning about the Demonstrative Adjectives. Please be on time to class my sweet hearts so that you can master the concept the rest of the week.
First period   11:00 am
Third period  12:00 n
Fourth Period  1:00 pm.
 Remember mis amores as much work you do in the digital learning as much your grade will increase. I am working in grades and at the end of the week you will see your grades in Synergy.
TEAMSSee you later mis amores! Make sure to have your notebook  and pencil to take short notes.
If you haven't join TEAMS follow this instructions:
Instructions to join TEAMS

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

You will get there, but only if you keep going." If you want to ...

Today we are going to review the new vocabulary from Unit 6 about "Las Compras" to be able to  continue with the rest of the unit. I want you to review the vocabulary tutorials and  work with two sections "Escoger" (choose) y "Elegir" ( select). They are two easy setions for you to complete.
Let's continue my dears learning a couple more concepts. Don't forget about the verbs "saber " and " "conocer". We will have class on Thursday again so be aware of it.  Same times for each period:
1st period : 11:00 am
2nd period 12:00 n
4th Period 1:00 pm
If you still have not join us in class please join the TEAMS platform folllowing the instructions below:
Instructions to Join TEAMS
Chao mis amores! Please keep going! You are awesome students! I love you and I am very proud of you!

Please review this great tips to continue until the end and be successful.

Tips to be successful

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Feliz martes - Rosas de mi corazon | Facebook

Buenos dias mis amores!
Hope everybody is working hard to raise up those grades at this time. Let's continue learning a little bit more every day! We will focus in the the two twin verbs this week so today we will continue practicing using saber y conocer.
Please go to:
1- Vhl central and review the concepts about saber and conocer using the tutorials again(they have been reassigned) and then complete the the "Completa' section.
I am still working in grading the digital learning assignments that take too much time more than checking papers or notebooks so please be patient with me and wait for your grades to improve and be posted this week.
Hope everybody is having a restful quarantine keeping everybody in your family safe!
I love you and I miss you all!

Monday, April 20, 2020

IMÁGENES DE LUNES el comienzo de la Semana 【 2020 】

¡Buenos dias Chicos!
Happy Monday!
Hope everybody is still hanging on tight! let's begin this week with much much energy so it would be good if you stretch and make some exercise at home before you start working.💪😅 This week I will start putting grades in Synergy from the online learning period so your grade will slowly  improve day by day. I am very glad that many of you are still and will continue working hard learning a couple more concepts in Spanish.  Remember to spread the word to all classmates that they are welcome to class even though they have not been active during this time of COVID-19. I will continue teaching to the standards and helping you all reach the goal of completing this course successfully.This week we will focus in the twin verbs "Saber and Conocer"  so please:

1- Go to VHL Central and find your assignments for today. You will watch the presentations and the tutorials and  to practice you will work the exercises in the "INTENTALO" sections.
Chicos: If for any reason you stay behind in any assignment just try to hand in as soon as possible. The good thing is to hand in. If you still have trouble with internet access please let me know and we will work it out as best as we can.

Have a great Monday everyone!